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ePortfolio blog post check-in

I began creating my ePortfolio in course 5302.  It has definitely been a learning experience.  I wasn’t pleased with my first attempt.  I was even contemplating switching to another platform.  In the end, I decided to move forward with Wix once I realized how to change some of the things I didn’t like. 

The original aesthetic of my ePortfolio has undergone a drastic change.  Originally, the color  theme of my ePortfolio was dark purple. The writing was in white text.  What was I thinking?   Although  purple is a pretty color, I didn’t feel like it was appealing to a reader or the right look for my ePortfolio.  In addition to changing the color theme of my ePortfolio, I also added artwork that represents the goal of my Innovation Plan, and designed each of the pages to reflect the title of that page.  

Initially, I created a menu which included a category called Courses.  Under this category, I added the course numbers for my classes.  I managed to input my assignments under the class number to which they belonged.  I did not create a blog post for the assignments. Instead I pasted the text into  a section on the page. Now I’m wondering if this was the incorrect way to do this because the posts aren’t showing up as part of the blog and that makes it hard to link to other posts.  I’m still pondering how to fix this.  I’ve done some research and I still don’t have an answer.  Most likely, I will have to delete the posts I added to the course numbers and re-add them as blog posts.  The other issue I’m having with the way I added them to the page is that pasting in the text directly into the page does not allow me to format the references in the APA format. So I guess that means I need to get rid of the menu item called blog and make everything a blog post.

Trial and error has been my method of learning for this assignment. I am still editing and fixing things as I learn what works and what doesn’t.  So I will ask for your patience as I continue to edit, revise and sometimes completely change what I have already done. 

ePortfolio Blog Post Check-in Requirements:

  1. A stand-alone blog post that will link to a minimum of a secondary/separate blog post(s) on your ePortfolio site.

As I mentioned previously, I need to make some changes so that I can link posts. But for this assignment, I added to my Blog from the assignments originally posted in the Course Section of my ePortfolio.  Please refer to blog post:  Blended Learning in the Foreign Language Classroom.  At the bottom of the post, you will see the link to the Innovation Proposal.

2. A link to a separate page on your ePortfolio like your About page (or other permanent page on your site)

  • Each of my pages has a little house symbol that will link it back to the home page. 

  • The Blog page has the home button and the About me button that will link back to the About Me page. 

3.The start of your site navigation structure which must include a minimal menu system. 

4. If you have taken EDLD 5302 you must also create and include a post that explains and points to (provide example links) the changes that you have made from your initial ePortfolio that was created in the previous course. 

  • Edited: the benefits of networking blog post 4/03

  • Edited: Why is change in the educational system important? 4/03

  • Edited: Educational talking points remain stagnant 4/03

  • Reformatted:  Learning how to learn  Added text and references: Creating a sense of urgency to bring about change added text and references 4/03

  • Basic edit:  The message of "yet" and the growth mindset  4/03

  • Edited the entire website look

  • Reviewed and edited all submissions

  • Added blog posts

  • Added courses 5313 and 5303 under the Courses tab.

  • Designed each page to reflect the new aesthetic of the ePortfolio.

  • Changed the posts from short summaries with links to the Google Documents to the entire post directly on the ePortfolio. 5305


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