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Why create an e-portfolio?

Image Source: Center for Teaching and Learning

Is it simply to showcase the work you've done and your accomplishments? Or is it a placeholder for your projects? The answer is yes, but so much more. In the video "ePortfolio Why" Drs. Harapnuik and Thibodeaux discuss the reasons why they believe the ePortfolio can be an asset to your work. They also discuss a few reasons why everyone doesn't have an ePortfolio. If the ePortfolio is such an asset, then why doesn't everyone have one? I think the answer is that it takes time, effort, and planning to put one together. I think most people are intimidated by the process they have to undergo just to get it started. I know that when I had to create one for a previous class, I was completely overwhelmed by it. It wasn't so much that I didn't have content to add to the ePortfolio but the process of creating the site was daunting. Why? I had never created one before. The technology was new to me etc. I was in my Fixed Mindset mentality.

Overcoming the fixed mindset didn't take long simply because I knew that I had to create the website to fulfill the requirements of the course. It was a challenge. So I have to wonder if people shy away from creating ePortfolios unless they have exterior pressures urging them to create a site despite knowing that an ePortfolio is an asset beneficial not only to their work but also to them as the student/creator. The ePortfolio can serve as a place where you can reflect on your work, showcasing what you have learned and why. It is also a great place to store projects, reports, and any writing that you want to share with colleagues. It serves as a place where you can go back to your previous work, reflect on it, and make changes to your work, and you learn, grow, and evolve in your work. The ePortfolio can also show potential employers what you can do and what you think. It can serve as a better representation of who you are as a teacher/ employee/ mentor. Future employers aren't simply going to look at your resume and contact your references if they have your ePortfolio. They are going to get a deeper understanding of who you are as a person, as an educator, and as a student in your chosen field.


Harapnuik, D., & Thibodeaux, T. (2023). COVA: Inspire Learning 

          Through Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Experiences

          (2nd ed.). Learner’s Mindset Publishing.

Harapnuik, D. (2023, September 5). Who Owns the ePortfolio. It’s

About Learning. Retrieved March 26, 2024,

Learners Mindset. (2020, May 25). LMD EP30 ePortfolio Why [Video].


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