Progressive education
After watching the video Progressive Education in the 1940s, it is interesting that the video highlights topics that are still being talked about today. For example, they talk about teaching students not for the world of the past, or for the world of the present but for the world of their future. That sounds very much like discussions we have as teachers today. Even in the 1940s, academics acknowledged that education needed to be more progressive to keep up with the world’s constant state of change. Where in the 1940s, the emphasis may have been in preparing students with practical skills needed to function in their world; in the 21st century we are no longer focusing on the same skills since the world of technology has moved student learning in a different direction. Although the emphasis in the 21st century may be technology the methodology appears to be very similar. The video stressed that children learn best by doing, through cooperation and completing projects and that concept still holds true today. Why haven’t we seen a more significant change in education? For the most part, techniques, methodology and philosophy of teaching remains mostly the same. It’s the execution that has evolved with the onset of technology, separation of grades and subjects, understanding of disabilities and differentiation and the use of small groups in the classroom. Very recently there has been a lot of talk about overhauling the education system. According to The World Population Review, as of 2023, the world education rankings does not list the United States in the top 10 countries and the US has consistently scored lower in math and science over the years. So why have we not seen more significant changes? There has been a lot of discussion about the quality of education in the United States and as a result a lot of talk about education reform. At this point, I don’t think anyone has come up with a plan popular enough for everyone to make a change. Change is hard to implement when there are so many factors involved. One of the factors is that people are used to doing things a certain way. Teachers and Administrators know their job and changing how they do things is going to take a lot of time and effort. It’s going to have to to begin with educating the teachers at the onset in a new way of teaching before real change can take place. I think the “People who like this stuff” post was written specifically about my school. Teachers are having a tough time implementing small groups, a new initiative by the Diocese. Teachers at my school have been there for years managing their classrooms how they feel works for them. Now, they are having to comply with new requirements that are in the best interest of the students and they are definitely taking a lot of effort and a few grumbles to implement.
danieljbmitchell. (2007b, August 1). Progressive education in the 1940s [Video]. YouTube.