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Impact of a growth mindset

  • What is a wildly important goal you might have as it relates to technology integration in your career?

It is extremely important to me to integrate technology as a routine part of my instruction. I teach Middle school as well as elementary age children. I feel it is important that I introduce lessons in various formats to get the students used to engaging in traditional assignments as well as digital assignments. I have already introduced using Chromebooks to my 1st and 2nd graders, I admit that it was a challenge to help them learn how to log on and find the correct website. After a few months of trying, most of my elementary students can log on and start assignments on their own.

  • Would you consider yourself primarily on a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?

I’m definitely on a growth mindset but that is not to say that I don’t fall victim to a fixed mindset especially when I encounter difficult tasks. I have to really talk myself into believing that effort counts for a lot and that I’ll eventually get there.

  • Has one mindset set you back from achieving this wildly important goal?

Although I see myself in a growth mindset, there are times that I fall victim to a fixed mindset, especially when the challenge is more difficult than I anticipated. I think the fixed mindset gets in the way at times and as I mentioned before, I have to really talk myself into believing that I can do it (whatever the task is) even if it takes me longer than others to accomplish the same task.

  • Do you build up resistance to failure, avoiding it all possible times?

No one likes failure and avoiding is definitely something I would do. However, if failure is looming in the distance, I become more introspective and try to figure out what I can do differently to at least get to the finish line.

  • What resources (content, video, media, etc.) might you use to help you develop your skills?

*The Art of Not Giving Up! by Cristi Cruceanu

*UDL Technology: Technology for Universal Design for Learning and Special Education by John F. O'Sullivan

(YouTube) Universal Design for Learning (Part 1): Definition and Explanation

Blending technology and classroom learning: Jessie Woolley-Wilson at TEDxRainier

  • What steps will you take to ensure you will not downplay the growth mindset with the easier-to-do 'false' growth mindset?

I plan to continue creating scaffolded lessons so that students at all levels can feel accomplished in the tasks / assignments they are assigned. I will also be more mindful of using positive affirmations especially to students who routinely say, “I can’t” or “I’m just not good at this.” I want each of my students to feel proud of their accomplishments in my class. Knowing that students are grade focused, I try to assign tasks that really measure effort rather than intellect.

  • What is most important - the what, the how, or the why when it comes to learning and pursuing life goals?

Although, I would say that what, how and why are all important when it comes to learning and pursuing life goals, the one that is most important to me is the why. Knowing why you do what you do gives you a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and even how to get there. Without the why, the what and the how can get blurry as you pursue the goal. You need to know why.


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