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Contribution to your learning and the learning community 5302/05

Reflection on what is working and what you can do better.

At the onset of the classes, I was a bit lost.  My growth mindset was being challenged! I kept telling myself, “I can do this.”  I think that for me, getting used to the format of the class was my biggest challenge.  Once I figured out how the class was run, I realized I needed a bit of organization on my part to feel like I wasn’t missing anything. I created a spreadsheet for myself with a list of the classes for both courses and assignment due dates. Next time, I’ll include the discussion questions as well.  

I think what really works for me in this program is that it requires a lot of writing - something I was trained to do in one of my previous jobs.  I’m very comfortable with analyzing requests, researching and writing. In this aspect, this program is ideal for me.

 I’d like to spend more time reading the material provided rather than reading for key points.  I found that I had to skim a lot of the work in order to get through it all.  I feel like I cheated myself out of learning some good material by not doing a more in depth read.  However, I know how to skim a document for the important points needed to fulfill a request and write a paper.  

Contributed to, helped build, and provided feedback to your core collaboration group

In being an active contributor throughout the classes, I contributed not only to my collaborative group but also to the class as a whole. I contributed to my core collaboration group by reviewing and making comments on their project outlines  providing feedforward information. I commented on discussion questions as well, often contributing commentary to students outside of my core group whose discussion answers appealed to me. During the online sessions,  I felt that I contributed to the class by asking relevant questions for clarification.  

Revised all assignments and reflected on revisions in this contribution to a learning activity.

I routinely reviewed graded assignments to see what comments were left to me by the professor.  I reviewed and revised all assignments that had suggested changes and resubmitted. In reading through the changes, I tried to keep the information in mind when writing my next assignment.  I wish I had made a copy of the comments rather than just accept the changes.  I would like to have the changes so that I can refer back to them in future projects.  I’ll do that from now on so that I don’t forget. One of my assignments was scored low with no commentary. I immediately asked my professor to please provide commentary.  She did immediately and I made the revisions and re-submitted.   

Completed ALL of the course readings, videos, and supporting resources.

I completed all assignments by watching videos, supporting resources and I skimmed the readings for important, relevant information. Sadly, I did not have enough time to complete an in depth read of all the assigned reading.

Met the various course activity deadlines indicated in the calendar.

I kept track of all the deadlines in a spreadsheet. I took the information from courses.  I was a bit paranoid that I would miss a deadline so I had to come up with something where all the deadlines were in one spot. I did not miss a deadline in either course. 

Took leadership responsibility in your base group and the course. Contributed to your learning and the learning of your colleagues by participating in ALL activities.

I took leadership responsibility in both courses by participating in discussions and asking questions during our online sessions. Most of my questions had to do with clarifying points directed at completing assignments.   I also posted questions and information on both courses that would not just benefit me but also anyone in the course who might have had similar questions. I also participated in all of the discussion questions, posting in a timely fashion, and also responding to several of my classmates’ responses. 

My posts did reflect the breadth and depth of thinking  from the coursework but my posts were supported with research cited using APA.  I didn’t know that the discussion questions needed to be answered in that format.  I will keep this in mind for future courses. 

Both courses were so closely related that I felt like all the work I was doing in one course contributed to the other.  When I wrote the Innovation Proposal, I included information about how adding DuoLingo to my curriculum would benefit students in giving them COVA opportunities. (See page 4).  I also referenced the importance of a growth mindset, in embracing change to teach students in this new world of technology. (see page 2)

In creating the outline later,  I revisited my Learning Manifesto and included some of my thoughts about education. For example in paragraph 2, I mention that in my classroom, effort counts. In the outline,  I mention that students will be rewarded for their efforts. (see page 3)

The Literature Review included information for a blended classroom and technology along with the philosophy of how a growth mindset contributes to the success of learning.  In fact one of the subsections is called Growth Mindset because all the literature reviewed in that section had to do with defining  a growth mindset. (see page 2)  Another section was all about blended learning.  (see page 3).  

Clearly both courses are interrelated and assignments can be referenced back and forth as was the case for me in all of my assignments. In fact, I think my discussion responses blended a little bit of both courses when responded to blended classrooms and growth mindsets.  


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