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Contribution to learning community 

5303 /5313 Contribution to my learning community

Being part of a learning community has immensely contributed to my growth in both courses (5303 and 5313). The courses compliment each other and that makes it easier to juggle the workload in the accelerated ADL program.  What works for me in both courses is that they are so interrelated that I feel like the readings apply to both courses and this makes it easier for me to implement what I'm learning in both classes.  I think I can improve on my time management while in the accelerated program this summer. I won’t be working this summer so I’ll have more time to dedicate to my course work rather than working furiously to complete assignments on the weekend. 


Looking back at my work in 5303, developing my ePortfolio has been a lot of fun and frustrating at the same time.  I think I mentioned in one of the class discussions that I didn’t know the right vocabulary to research something I wanted to do.  That’s where I am in the process.  I’m learning the lingo so that I can research how to do things.  In the meantime, I’m looking at the work my fellow students are doing and asking questions. I noticed that Samara Marin  had a window inside one of her pages that housed a document.  At the time I discovered it, I wasn't aware that it was termed embedding a document. I gained this knowledge during our class discussion. Later, we communicated through TEAMS, where she provided me with some helpful tips. She uses WordPress for her ePortfolio and I use Wix for mine so the procedure was different but not so much that I couldn’t take the information she gave me and apply it to my own ePortfolio.



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I also engaged in extensive reflection on my ePortfolio, revisiting earlier posts and making minor edits without significant alterations. One aspect I overlooked was taking screenshots of my work, which I plan to remember and implement moving forward. Despite this, I successfully maintained pace with all coursework across both classes and met every deadline. I diligently completed all reading assignments, watched the associated videos, and explored supplementary resources thoroughly.


Using Teams has been an effective method for me to interact with fellow students in the program. We've exchanged information and discussed the challenges of our workload together. Speaking of which, the 5313 course was particularly tough and required a lot of effort. Engaging in discussions on Teams about interpreting the instructions and planning our presentations became a regular practice for many of us. We not only compared our understanding of the tasks but also shared strategies for structuring the assignments. Furthermore, we would review each other's work before submission.  For both courses, I collaborated mostly with the same people as our workload aligned because of the accelerated program. Aside from Samara Marin, I also consistently collaborated with Anna Gonzalez, and Rose Raynor.  It seemed like the four of us were very active in the chat during every assignment, perhaps because we are all detail-oriented or just wanted to ensure nothing was overlooked.  


As I mentioned before, 5313 was particularly challenging and as a result, I spent more time talking to Marin, Gonzalez and Raynor especially when we were working on the 3 Column Chart and the UbD.  


3 Column Chart Discussions on TEAMS:

Screenshot 2023-03-14 145321.png

UbD Discussions on TEAMS:

Screenshot 2023-03-15 121945.png
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I took leadership responsibility in the learning community for both 5303 and 5313 by posting information on TEAMS I thought would be helpful to all of us.  I reviewed others' work as mine was also reviewed. I shared my thoughts on the assignments and interpretations of what was required.   I also took the initiative to ask questions during both live classes. I frequently felt that I was dominating the discussions, yet I believed that the questions I raised were shared by everyone, even if they weren't expressing them openly.  Furthermore, I felt like class participation was necessary especially in an online setting. 

For my Self Assessments, I took into consideration all of the requirements for the grades I chose for myself.  There’s definitely room for improvement but I believe that I put a lot of effort into my work for both classes and the grades I chose reflect those efforts. 





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