Creating a project with COVA in mind
So, let's talk about how I wrap up a unit with my students. I like to finish things off with either a quiz or a project. You know, it's important to me that my students see how everything they've been learning all connects together. Teaching a foreign language is like building something, you take bits from here and there, and before you know it, you've got sentences rolling out.
Recently, we finished a lesson on the verb "gustar." To ensure my students truly understood how to use it, I created a fun comic strip project. They had to incorporate different forms of "gustar" in their dialogues and include vocabulary from our previous lessons. It was a great way to connect everything we've learned.
Here's where COVA (choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning) comes into play. I let my students decide how they wanted to create and present their comic strips. Naturally, there were many questions like, "Can I do this?" or "Does it have to be about that?" My response was simple: "This is your story. As long as it's appropriate for school, let your creativity run wild!"
While I provided some guidelines, such as using the verb "gustar" and following the rubric, I also encouraged creativity. The students' response to the project was fantastic. It was amazing to see their minds buzzing with ideas. I gave them time in class to brainstorm and develop their storylines, and they used the rest of the time to bring their ideas to life.
This project isn't just about creativity, though. It's also about using the Spanish they have been learning and applying that knowledge in a very practical way using their creativity and technical skills. It's about giving them the freedom to express themselves and create something meaningful. And let me tell you, it's a fantastic way for them to learn authentically and really engage with the material.