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5304 / 5317

Contribution to learning community

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Contributions made in 5304
Leading Organizational Change

In this course, I had the opportunity to reflect on and define my rationale for my innovation proposal. I developed an influencer strategy utilizing the six sources of influence and refined my objectives for effecting change. After establishing these goals, I created a comprehensive strategy for implementing my innovation proposal using the 4DX model. Throughout this process, I collaborated with my fellow students to discuss assignment details and share insights. I not only shared my insights into the assignments but also explained how I would present them. For instance, I mentioned that I was incorporating infographics into my assignments and directed another student to the site where a template could be found. Additionally, I participated in all discussion questions and responded to my fellow students' posts.


What worked for me in this course was the amount of time I was able to devote to my coursework and assignments. I completed the readings and viewed all the assigned videos. I discovered that the public library had an audiobook copy of  Crucial Conversations, which allowed me to listen to it while commuting or doing household chores. I used Canva to present my assignments, which provided me with more ideas for future assignments. I managed to submit all my assignments on time or ahead of the due date. Reflecting on my assignments, I realize that I need to improve my understanding of how to present my references properly. This will be a focus for me as I progress in the program.


Overall, I feel that I contributed to my learning community through my willingness to share and answer questions throughout the course. I would give myself a grade of 98, acknowledging that there is always room for improvement.

Contributions made in 5317
Resources Digital Environment

Authoring an article for publication has never been on my list of goals. However, the experience has been immensely rewarding, allowing me to develop an idea and see it evolve into something more substantial than I had initially envisioned. The article was significantly enhanced by the feed-forward I received from my classmates, which was invaluable in refining my work. The feed-forward helped me identify areas that needed more attention or further elaboration.  I submitted my article to ACTFL's official quarterly magazine, The Language Educator.  I received confirmation of receipt and a message that I will hear back by October 2024.


This project fostered a sense of community as we all gave and received feed-forward from one another. It opened lines of communication that may not have previously existed. Our collaboration did not end with this project but extended into others as we navigated through the details of subsequent assignments.


My contributions to the class included:


Overall, I feel like I put a lot of effort into this course and the collaboration with my fellow students.  I grade myself a 98 only because there's always room for improvement. 


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